10 Organizations That Support LGBTQ+ Tech Workers

Diversity within the workforce remains an ongoing challenge within the tech industry, specifically as it relates to the LGBTQ+ community.
Only 35% of LGBTQ+ tech workers reported feeling “represented in upper management at their company,” according to a report from Blind.
Not to mention, one in four trans people reported losing a job due to bias, according to the National Transgender Discrimination Survey.
While workplace diversity, equity and inclusion have taken on renewed importance nationally over the last few years, there’s still much progress to be made — and leading the charge are some incredible organizations working to support and empower LGBTQ+ tech workers.
Organizations Supporting the LGBTQ+ Tech Community:
There are a number of organizations that support the LGBTQ+ tech community that include Pride in STEM, Out in Tech, Maven Youth, and More. Here are 10 groups that have been working to create change.
- Trans*H4ck
- LGBTQ in Technology Slack
- Pride in STEM
- Lesbians Who Tech
- Out for Undergrad (O4U)
- Out in Tech
- TransTech Social Enterprises
- Maven Youth
- Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (oSTEM)
- Out to Innovate
1. Trans*H4ck
Through its development of, “new and useful open-source tech products that benefit the trans and gender-nonconforming communities,” Trans*H4ck aims to promote equitable pay, economic advancement, improved personal safety, and better overall support for the trans community.
2. LGBTQ in Technology Slack
The LGBTQ in Technology Slack is a moderated Slack channel that is open to anyone who identifies as LGBTQIA+ to provide a safe online space for its members in the tech field to chat, share their experiences, and support each other.
3. Pride in STEM
This charitable trust, based in the US and UK aims to provide support to the LGBTQIA+ community by spotlighting individuals throughout the community. Managed by an independent group of LGBTQIA+ scientists and engineers, Pride in Stem hosts networking events with the tech community at largh to help break down barriers and spotlight the obstacles faced by underrepresented groups in STEM.
4. Lesbians Who Tech
Lesbians Who Tech & Allies is “a community of LGBTQ women, non-binary and trans individuals in and around tech (and the people who support them).”
The organization’s goals are to help members become more visible to each other and others, get more women, POC, queer, trans, and gender non-conforming (GNC) people into tech, and connect their community to fellow organizations and companies doing similar work.
5. Out for Undergrad (O4U)
Out for Undergrad (O4U) makes it their mission to support high-achieving LGBTQ2+ undergraduates in reaching their full potential.
Through a series of conferences throughout the year, LGBTQ2+ students gain access to subject matter experts and industry professionals who inspire them to pursue ambitious careers in tech and beyond.
6. Out in Tech
As one of the world’s largest non-profit communities of LGBTQIA+ tech workers and leaders, Out in Tech’s mission is to create more opportunities for its 40,000+ members to advance their careers in tech through their investment in mentoring young LGBTQIA+ individuals who aspire to work in tech through the Out in Tech U Mentorship Program.
7. TransTech Social Enterprises
Founded in 2014 by Angelica Ross, an actress, transgender rights advocate, and self-taught computer coder, TransTech Social Enterprises is a co-learning and co-working community that provides tech education, support, and jobs for trans and non-binary people facing high levels of employment discrimination.
8. Maven Youth
Through the creation of their safe space, Maven Youth works to “empower LGBT+ youth to network, organize and educate for social change through technology and the tech sector.”
Focusing its efforts on LGBT+ youth ages 14-24, Maven Youth provides summer camps, a youth leadership council, apprenticeships, and hackathons all to encourage youth across the country to explore careers and the impact of technology.
9. Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (oSTEM)
oSTEM is a non-profit professional association for LGBTQIA+ people in the STEM community to help empower them to succeed personally and professionally. The group has over 100 student chapters at colleges and universities across the U.S. and internationally, along with professional chapters in various cities.
Prior to oSTEM, there was no inclusive organization dedicated to serving LGBTQIA+ youth in STEM.
10. Out to Innovate
Formerly known as National Organization of Gay and Lesbian Scientists and Technical Professionals (NOGLSTP), Out to Innovate is a group that advocates for equal employment opportunity, professional networking, role modeling, science education, and scientific freedom/responsibility. We practice science, technology, engineering, and mathematics with PRIDE.
Their mission is to “empower LGBTQ+ individuals in STEM by providing education, advocacy, professional development, networking, and peer support,” by educating all communities about the scientific, technological, and medical concerns of LGBTQ+ people.
Support LGBTQ+ employees
These are just 10 of the many incredible non-profits and organizations working to support and empower LGBTQ+ tech workers.
As a tech staffing agency, Mondo is proud to highlight their efforts and continue to encourage the tech industry at large to prioritize diversification and inclusion efforts through employment opportunities.
If you’re a tech worker in our network and identify as LGBTQ+ or want to show your support as an ally, consider volunteering with or joining one of these organizations to support the future LGBTQ+ tech workforce.
Learn more about Mondo’s commitment to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Mondo is committed to leading by example to foster more diverse, equitable and inclusive workplaces.
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