3 Business Risks of Using AI Automation

Thanks to emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) many businesses like yours have been able to cut down on costs and time; becoming more productive and efficient.
However, there are still limits to what AI and ML tech can and should be allowed to do. It’s time you ensure your company knows how to successfully incorporate this new tech while also educating yourselves on how to avoid the business risks of over-automation.
Business risks of too much AI automation
Take the time to learn how to properly use AI technology and uncover ways to avoid the business risks of over-automation like AI automation complacency, reduced innovation and production, consumer frustration, and AI bias.
1. AI Automation Complacency
When using AI and ML technologies you must remember they are simply following the codes and algorithms they’ve been given.
By over-utilizing this tech you risk minimizing the efforts of your employees and, in turn, decreased innovation.
When handed a task that has been AI-powered, your talent is more likely to develop cognitive carelessness; similar to the impact of pilots and drivers who start to solely rely on a vehicle’s autopilot feature.
In other words, automation complacency will decrease your production levels and ultimately hurt your bottom line; so it’s important to stress this and educate your employees on the risk of relying too heavily on AI solutions.
2. Consumer frustration with AI chatbots
Even those outside of the Tech industry have more than likely come interacted with a chatbot or automated call attendant by now.
Though these systems may allow your employees to focus on other responsibilities, they tend to frustrate consumers.
One report found that 60% of the consumers surveyed said they are less likely to remain a customer unless there is the option to talk to a human rather than a chatbot.
Your business must know how to balance the efforts of your Tech professionals and your ML technology because over-automation will lower your enterprise performance at customer touchpoints and give your brand a robotic voice.
3. AI bias in automation tools
Consumer frustration will only increase as you continue to overuse this Tech.
AI and ML technology is asked to replicate humans by crunching numbers and analyzing data; so it only makes sense that without human intervention these machines would inadvertently adopt the unconscious biases of their creators.
Without human supervision, over-automation can, in minutes, decrease your brand’s appeal and also add to the industry’s widespread diversity problem, as Microsoft learned firsthand.
How to avoid AI automation business risk
There are several ways to avoid the risks associated with over-automating your business and creating a bad customer experience like, hiring the right AI engineers, sourcing AI talent from a diverse talent pool, and working with a staffing agency to hire the right AI developers.
Hire the right AI engineers
According to a report from the OCED, an inter-governmental group of high-income countries, AI and ML technologies will destroy fewer jobs than previously feared.
So despite the business risks of over-automation, the answer isn’t as simple as not using this emerging Tech considering the productivity, efficiency, and other business benefits it can offer.
Instead, your company must find innovative ways to attract and retain the right ML experts who can help you successfully incorporate AI technologies.
Here we uncover a few ways your business can hire the talent you need.
Use a diverse pool of AI specialists
When looking to find the right AI talent you’ll want to look outside of your company’s comfort zone.
Someone who from a different background and demographic can add value by uncovering AI biases that may have gone unnoticed or a new ML solution that can expand your company’s reach to a new audience.
When you choose to increase the diversity of your Tech employees you not only lower your chances of the negative impact of AI biases but also can reduce your risk of creating a negative customer experience or journey.
Be specific when looking for AI engineers
When looking to onboard new AI experts you’ll want to avoid being vague in your job descriptions.
If you aren’t specific about the talent you need for your vacant ML role, you’ll find yourself shuffling through applications of underqualified candidates.
Remember to be exact when listing daily responsibilities for AI positions; this will help deter those who don’t have the necessary skills for day-to-day tasks and will attract those who feel they can not only grow in the role but those who are confident that they can help your business make smarter automation choices.
Partner with a staffing agency to hire AI developers
Partnering with a staffing agency allows your company to focus on providing the best solutions and services to your consumer base and avoiding the business risks of over-automation by ensuring you onboard the right AI talent the first time around.
With an average placement rate of 3 to 5 days for contract roles and 7 to 10 days for full-time roles, Mondo provides a fast turnaround for your high-end, AI talent needs.
Avoiding the business risks of AI automation
It’s clear that AI and ML technologies will continue to evolve as we head into the new year.
If your Tech business is looking for AI and ML professionals who can help you successfully integrate this technology while avoiding the business risks of over-automation, contact Mondo today.
There are both active and passive experts in our exclusive network that can help your business remain successful.
Looking to hire top-tier Tech, Digital Marketing, or Creative Talent? We can help.
Every year, Mondo helps to fill over 2,000 open positions nationwide.
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