6 In-Demand Work Perks to Attract Top Tech Talent

If you’re spending valuable time and resources trying to attract the top Tech talent your business needs, but aren’t coming up with any viable options, it may be time to reevaluate the perks you offer.
Sure, you’re already offering a competitive salary range, but if your workplace perks aren’t aligned with what the current Tech talent pool is being offered, then you’ll continue to lose out on qualified applicants to competitors currently offering the most in-demand workplace perks for top Tech talent.
In-demand work perks for top tech talent
There are several in-demand work perks to attract top tech talent that include offering remote work flexibility, flexible scheduling, and allowing your tech professionals their choice in tech to get their work done.
- Remote work flexibility
- Flexible scheduling
- Choice of tech
- Professional development
- Trending perks
- Equity in the company
1. Offer remote work flexibility as a work perk
The highly qualified Developers we place prefer to accept offers from companies with flexible remote work policies.
This is by far one of the most in-demand workplace perks for top Tech talent today.
The best Tech talent available looks for positions that require them to be on-site only one to two days per week and trust them to complete their remaining tasks for the rest of the week wherever they work best, whether that’s in a WeWork space or at their home office.
Additionally, this is a strategic perk to offer if you can’t match the top salaries that Tech giants like Google offer to entice and poach candidates.
Applicants will be more apt to consider a job offer with a lower salary if it provides them with greater remote work flexibility.
2. Offer flexible scheduling as a work perk
The surge in flex scheduling perks offered to top Tech talent goes to show that the typical 9 to 5 format is not conducive to getting the best work from your Tech experts, whether they’re a Data Scientist or Demandware Developer.
Informing applicants up-front or in their first in-person interview that the business offers flex scheduling shows the candidate that the company values the work they produce over antiquated business policies like set start and end times for each day.
This openness to new ways of doing things will go far in attracting Tech talent that more often than not prefers to operate autonomously at a time that works best for them.
3. Offer a choice of tech as a work perk
For Tech Project Managers, Developers, Analysts, and more a key consideration when accepting a new job is whether or not they’ll be involved in the decision-making process on which technologies are used for different projects.
This can be a major factor in accepting or rejecting a job offer as some Tech professionals work best in, and prefer, specific tech tools, languages, solutions, and platforms.
4. Offer professional development as a work perk
This doesn’t mean simply stating that your business is open to having your employees pursue professional development or educational opportunities.
State how much budget you are willing to allocate to the individual’s professional development.
Provide examples of what other employees have been able to pursue through the company’s assistance.
Showing that you’re willing to invest in their professional development interests proves you are invested in their future at your business.
5. Offer more trending perks at work
New, “hot” perks are always being promoted by companies like Google or Apple that have the budgets to offer more luxurious benefits meant to entice the best Tech talent available.
While you may not be able to afford the same perks, look to these companies and do regular research on the latest in-demand perks for Tech Talent before you initiate the hiring process.
The latest trending perks include relaxed dress codes (a staple for most Tech teams), in-office yoga, and bring-your-pet-to-work policies.
Things like relaxed dress codes and pet-friendly policies cost the business next to nothing but greatly impact employee satisfaction and retention rates.
6. Offer equity in the company as a perk
While a majority of these workplace perks for top Tech talent apply to both enterprise-level and startup-level businesses, an equity offer is a perk that primarily applies to up-and-coming businesses or startups, unless your business is looking to get a new CIO or other Senior-level roles.
If you are in the startup space and are struggling to attract the top Tech talent you need to get off the ground floor a small equity percentage offer is a perk that will go a long way in attracting the talent you’re missing.
If you can’t break through or net top investors without the missing talent, consider increasing the equity offer.
It’s a small price to pay now for substantial success down the road.
The importance of perks at work
Offering employee perks at work is important because it has a number of benefits including standing out from competitors, improved employee retention, and attracting better quality tech talent.
Perks help employers stand out from competitors
There is a growing Tech talent gap, and although it will eventually improve, right now high-end, qualified Tech applicants are the ones with the power rather than employers.
Qualified applicants typically receive more than one job offer, which means, ultimately…
“It’s kind of an arms race in terms of developers and other technical staff. Outside of salary, companies are always trying to see what they can do to get a leg up.” according to Carter Lowe, an experienced Enterprise Technical Recruiter at Mondo, featured in a TechRepublic article on the topic.
Perks at work help retain employees
While attracting the highly-skilled applicants with the most in-demand workplace perks for top Tech talent should be your first priority, the next challenge is learning how to retain that talent, especially in the Tech industry where retention rates are much lower than other industries.
Providing workplace perks for top Tech talent that align with the current marketplace trends is a great start, but it’s crucial to prioritize intangible benefits as well.
There will always be another business trying to poach talent from your teams by offering better salaries, free lunches, or other trendy perks, which is why you need to prioritize developing an inviting, inclusive, and supportive work environment that makes your employees want to remain a part of.
Perks at work attract better-quality tech talent
Focusing on creating this type of environment for your Tech teams and offering the perks this talent group wants most will enable you to attract better quality talent and fill the talent gaps on your team faster and more effectively.
Attracting and hiring top tech talent with work perks
While you may offer one or two of the options listed above, consider connecting with HR and your fellow execs to see how many more in-demand workplace perks for top Tech talent your company can offer.
Calculate the ROI the high-end, niche Tech experts you’re looking to hire will offer your business when discussing the subsequent costs related to adding the perks.
A better understanding of the business benefits these perks offer, despite the minimal added costs to the business, will help your fellow execs understand the necessity of adding them.
If you’re unable to attract or find the top Tech talent necessary for your immediate Tech needs, contact Mondo today. Whether your needs are for full-time or contract-based roles, we’ll match you with the high-end, niche talent you won’t find anywhere else.
Looking to hire top-tier Tech, Digital Marketing, or Creative Talent? We can help.
Every year, Mondo helps to fill over 2,000 open positions nationwide.
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